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Showing posts from March, 2020

Spring Pea Pasta

If spring had a flavor, it'd taste like peas. Sweet. Fresh. Full of life. And if you'd like to find a better use for a bag of frozen peas, something other than tossing a bag on a bruise, then this recipe is for you...Spring Pea Pasta. 8 ounce s orecchiette pasta 2 tablespoon s butter 2  medium shallots 3 cup s peas (fresh or frozen) ¼ cup   heavy cream ¼ cup  whole milk 1 ½  to  2  cups grated parmesan ½  Lemon,  Zested Salt, to taste Cook the pasta according to instructions. Drain, reserving about ½ cup of pasta water, and set aside. To make the sauce, melt the butter in a large pan. Mince the shallots and add them to the pan, cooking until they are soft and starting to brown. Add in the peas and cook until the peas are hot. Add the cream and milk, stirring to combine. Heat over low heat and stir in 1 1/2 cups of parmesan. Continue to cook until the sauce begins to thicken slightly. Add the pasta and stir to coat. If the pasta is too thin, add a ...

Butterscotch Fluffernutter Bars

I made these, having never tasted them before, for the gang at work a while back and I may have created some monsters in the process.  Because of the toasted marshmallow center, I thought they would be best transported if I wrapped them, individually, in plastic wrap.  I made my rounds to the offices, handing them out, and telling people to save them for lunch.  Several people immediately pressed them to their noses and died right there on the spot at the amazing scent combination of peanut butter, toasted marshmallow, and butterscotch.  Funeral services will be announced, later.  One person had the nerve to ask where I bought them.  The rest consumed them, immediately, causing what I'm sure is an incredibly unhealthy and unnatural spike in blood sugar.  One by one they drifted into my office commenting on how good they were and that they wanted to eat more if I had them.  It's like The Walking Dead up here but instead of human flesh, ...