Once again, Scandinavia hits a home run with baked goods and they anhilate any and all gingerbread recipes you may have liked with these pepperkake. In fact, I've been known to fill my checked luggage with tubs of these, from Iceland. They break. They shatter. They taste just as good. Commonly eaten at Christmas, these spiced and aromatic cookies are just as easy to make as they are delicious to eat. You could easily buy packages of these at IKEA (they're cute little flower shapes) but I find the fresh flavor is just a million times better. Ingredients 400 grams sugar 200 grams butter 1/3 cup light syrup (use Lyle's Golden Syrup or dark corn syrup) 3/5 cup heavy cream 4 teaspoons ginger 4 teaspoons cinnamon 2 teaspoons black pepper (freshly ground is best, trust me) 4 teaspoons ground cloves 1 tablespoon baking soda 750 - 850 grams flour In a large saucepan, add the sugar, butter, and syrup. Stir together and heat until melted. Set aside to cool. Once the mixture has cooled...